GO Guides – Adding an Expense

By Ben Markovic

The latest in our series of GO Guides shows you how easy it is to add an expense to your salary package! Please view the video below.

Whether you’re creating a new salary package, or wishing to add another expense to your existing arrangements, it can all be done with your smartphone.

Remember, when you’re an employee of a not-for-profit (NFP) organisation which uses GO Salary, you can salary package up to $15,900 tax-free towards your expenses. For certain public hospitals and ambulance services, the limit is $9,010.

Expenses can include payments to mortgage, rent, credit card and car/personal loans, along with school fees, health insurance and more. You can even salary package an additional $2,650 towards your holiday accommodation and dining (meal entertainment) expenses.

You can learn more by checking out our video here, and of course, please feel free to contact us!
